Ronald Roenigk
Ronald Roenigk didn’t start out as an avid defender of the fourth estate. He was just a college graduate trying to find his way in the business community. He was hired by a bank to promote its business through newsletters describing local events. Ron had found his niche.
After a few years, he purchased several of the Lerner newspapers, including the free News Star which is distributed in Edgewater. His readership includes adults with families and businesses that have a stake in the community. The articles are geared to local issues.
When the Internet came along he was reluctant to hop on the bandwagon. Ron feels that despite copyright laws, Google, Facebook and other mega internet based corporations have appropriated the content of print based publications, making billions of dollars. They have driven many newspapers out of business, depriving the public of access to news in print format. In his estimation, this results in a less well-informed citizenry. Ron is currently seeking someone of the next generation to champion his vision of a free press bringing local news and issues to the public in print format.
Ronald Roenigk
“We can only do so much.
I count on people reaching out to us. Incredibly.”
Click here for the interview transcript and a short video.