Elston Elston

Elston has combined her passions for art and for education in her community for most of her adult life. Before coming to Edgewater, she was instrumental in starting a rehabilitation program at Hines Veterans Hospital for paraplegic veterans that focused on creating art projects as a means to reconnect with the world. Later, as an educator with the Chicago Public Schools, she inspired her students in countless after school programs, clubs, and other school related projects.

Once she moved to Edgewater she contributed to the community underpass bricolage projects at Foster Avenue and Bryn Mawr Avenue. She created a twelve foot relief sculpture and a forty foot wall mural in common spaces at Senn High School. Over the years, she has mentored graduates in pursuing careers through their artistic endeavors, and continues to participate in a scholarship committee for high school students. Although retired, Elston still maintains connections with many of her former students. She has given generously of her time and money to broaden the lives of those she has touched.

Elston Elston
“I love my kids; my kids love me.
We still get together. That’s the world to me.”

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