Reginald "Reggie" Griffin
Reggie Griffin has abiding love for and devotion to the people of Edgewater. Since moving here from Uptown in the 1970s, he’s not skipped a beat nor taken a break volunteering for and running important Edgewater organizations.
He set the record as the only person to serve two maximum terms of 3 years as President of the Edgewater Community Council during important and difficult periods. He early gravitated to become steering committee Chair of Care-For-Real food pantry overseeing its earliest expansion period; later becoming chair of C.A.N.S. a city wide coalition that prompted Chicago to implement community policing. In the early 1980s he chaired the McHugh-Levin Community Oversight Task Force that oversaw community and tenant feedback for a major multi building housing redevelopment project. This project helped spur the revival of the Kenmore-Winthrop area.
He served many years as President of his block club, and today chairs the Jane Addams Seniors in Action, a city-wide advocacy coalition for seniors’ rights. Formerly on the EHS board, he is still active on committees. Although retired, Reggie is not the retiring sort. He continues his awesome schedule of community service.
Reginald Griffin
““My biggest love was Care For Real…”
Click here for the interview transcript and a short video.