Dawn Wyman
Former history teachers know how history is made, and Dawn Wyman
used that knowledge to help make Edgewater what it is today, making
some history along the way. Born and raised in Edgewater, Dawn
witnessed and participated in much that happened here; her family
started the Community Bank of Edgewater during a time of redlining to
offer local residents mortgages and no-fee checking.
A member shortly after its founding, she went on years later to become President of the Edgewater Community Council, successfully focusing attention on local schools and local planning; then years later playing a big role in its 50th anniversary celebration planning. She was also President of the Edgewater Glen Association, overseeing the noted and successful Glenfest. There wasn’t much she wasn’t involved in. As a successful realtor, she understood the importance of advocating for neighborhood based down-zoning along Broadway – another success.
As one community leader said, “Dawn was always a top draft choice to be on important committees.”
Dawn Wyman
“I like working with people and
accomplishing things.
I’m also a busybody … If we have a
busybody on every block,
we would have a perfect community. They
reach out.
They’re aware of what is happening.”
Click here for a short video.