Anne Comeau

Anne moved to Edgewater from Michigan in 2003. She soon realized that Edgewater was a unique multicultural community, with dynamic neighborhood associations. One day a neighbor stopped her and asked if she would attend a local community meeting, and this prompted Anne to join the N.E.T. block club. She then went on to become a member of the Edgewater Community Council. Shortly afterwards, she was elected to the board of directors.

Anne has always been attracted to gardening and helping the beautification of her community. She volunteered for the Edgewater Beautiful Committee because she not only wanted to make Edgewater a beautiful place, but also somewhere that people wanted to come and live. This committee became the Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project – a model green community for Chicago.

The goal is education on a broad basis involving youth, adults and the retired to take a stand against increasing environmental exploitation. The overall approach is at the local level, knowing that individuals can make a difference. By implementing changes in our own practices and then developing initiatives at the grass roots level, we can affect the political process.

Anne Comeau

You have to feel that you have made a difference.
And if you haven’t made a difference, you better start now.”

Click here for a short video.