Ron Massengill

Ron Massengill found his way to Edgewater after he married. A community activist from his youth, he couldn’t resist getting into the local organization scene. He became involved in West Andersonville Neighbors Together (WANT) as a Member at Large, and eventually President in 1988. Ron held that office for more terms than any other person in WANT’s long history. During his tenure, he initiated regularly scheduled meetings with other community groups, forging relationships that made the combined efforts of these groups a much stronger force for effecting change. Ron understands that neighbors working together are more effective in accomplishing community goals and securing government resources than a smaller group of citizen activists. And they can have more fun at the same time.

His involvement with other community groups includes the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce and the Edgewater Community Council. But perhaps his proudest accomplishment was encouraging neighbors just north of WANT’s boundaries to grow from a group of six well meaning residents into the full fledged block club West Edgewater Area Residents (WEAR).

Over the years Ron has been a persistent influence in encouraging community activism.

Ron Massengill:
“By helping other people I’m really helping myself.”

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