Note: This page is still in development. A number of captions do not have links to pages. In some cases, pages have been created, but content has not been added to the pages.
Most of the pages relate to Edgewater buildings.
Buildings: Permit Information
Common-corridor buildings
by number of stories, then address
by number of units, then address
by year of construction, then address
Apartment Hotels on Kenmore and Winthrop
by addresss
Condominium buildings
In chronological order
Conversions of multi-unit buildings (mostly two flats) into single family residences
by neighborhood, then address
Corner and courtyard buildings
Greystone buildings
by neighborhood, then address
by permit date, then address
4 plus 1 buildings
by number of units, then address
Two flats that have an added floor
Demolitions and New Construction (12 units or less) on residential streets since 1999
New construction on major streets since 1999
Broadway buildings (built before 1950) that have residential units
Clark St buildings (built before 1950) that have residential units
By address
Buildings on Cairnduff’s May 1890 advertising map
Buildings built for J.L. Cochran (American Contractor 1898-1904)
Notes for lists
by address
by architect, then date
by date
Buildings in Edgewater Neighborhoods (Lists showing buildings by address and type)
Single family homes remaining on Kenmore and Winthrop (with permit data)
Single family homes remaining on Sheridan Road (with permit data)
Edgewater Beach (Kenmore & Winthrop from Bryn Mawr to Foster)