Reminiscences (living or working in Edgewater)


LeRoy Blommaert (Growing up in Edgewater)

Marge Britton (Bryn Mawr Remembered)

Marge Britton (Eulogy by daugther Christine Britton Valadez)

John Butterfield (Growing up in Edgewater)

Ron Cohn (Boulevard of Bygone Dreams)

Ron Cohn (Edgewater Mid-Century Reminiscences)

Ron Cohn (Nostalgia: movie theaters, streetcars and restaurants)

Ron Cohn (Protected, Pampered Parking Places)

Ron Cohn (Remembering Frank & Marie’s)

Ron Cohn (The Rise, Fall, and Future of Thorndale)

Dorothy Haupt (School history, from Rosehill to Senn, 1911-1914)

Brian Paul Kaess (Working at the Edgewater Hospital)

Betsy Schein Goldman (The Old Neighborhood)

Carl Helbig (Remembering Ravenswood Avenue)

Carl Helbig (The Milkman Cometh)

Carl Helbig (Fishing and the Edgewater Beach Hotel)

Carl Helbig (The Schneider Building as I Remember It)

James Jennings (Remembering the Lill Coal Company)

Dorothy E. Johnson (Growing up in the Andersonville section of Edgewater)

Robert Jewell (Growing Up and Working in Edgewater on the Wrong Side of the Tracks 1957-1977)

Frank Kavanaugh (Edgewater Memories)

Frank Kavanaugh (Working at the Edgewater Beach Hotel)

Maxine Koolish (Growing up at 6018 N. Kenmore)

Helen R. Lambin (Mrs. Manthey’s Mansion for Beautifull Women)

Marie Meltzer Marcus (Memories of Broadway and the Meltzer Brother’s Grocery and Market)

Roger McCabe (A Son Looks Back)

Warren Phelps (My Semester at the Edgewater Beach Hotel)

Lucia (Lucy) Gomez Price (The Edgewater Beach Hotel Changed My Life)

Kathy Osterman (Effort to use Broadway Armory as a recreational center)

David Patt (What Am I Doing Here; The Campaign of Marion Volini for Alderman)

David Patt (Culture Shock: The Campaign of Marion Volini for Alderman)

David L. Schien (Growing up in Edgewater)

Everett Stetson (A Stable Time In Our History)

Everett Stetson (The Beaches of Edgewater)

Everett Stetson (A Stroll Down Bryn Mawr Avenue)

Everett Stetson (I remember…Growing Up in Edgewater)


See also "Oral Histories" on the menu to the left.