Senn Celebrations

Vol. XXII No. 1 - SPRING 2011

The Senn campus was hopping the night of Saturday, March 12, 2011, for the Senn Friends Forever Alumni Back in the Day Sock Hop Fundraiser and Dance. The all-years reunion raised funds for the Bulldogs sports teams, while dancing alums competed for the Back in the Day Best Dressed Contest in categories including Greaser’s (1950s), Hippies (1960s), Disco (1970s), and Punk (1980s). (What, no 1920s flappers?)

On Sunday afternoon, March 13, the Edgewater Historical Society opened its doors for a welcoming reception for any bleary eyed reunioners to gander at old year books or to share stories of their Senn days. Among our guests were Edgewater’s Murray family (seen below with Morry and Kathy Gemperle) with two generations of stories and donated year books. EHS is very grateful for their donation.

Never too late to plan ahead, the Senn community is gearing up for the 100th anniversary celebrations throughout 2013. Events will culminate with a gala centennial celebration on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013, at the Field Museum. A planning committee has already been formed and is meeting monthly. To volunteer, e-mail Senn Centennial Committee Chairman Lynn Pierce or telephone her.

EHS is planning an exhibit for 2013 in support of the celebration. We are always looking for Senn memorabilia and alums who would like to share their stories with our oral history program.

Finally, for a stroll down memory lane, the Senn Forever Coordinator Ron Kesselring ‘82 shared with us all the following YouTube links to four nostalgia videos prepared for the reunion. Enjoy them all.

Spirit of the Bulldog 1:

Spirit of the Bulldog 2: