v33-4 2022 Winter

VOL 33, #4: 2022 Winter

Please select an article from the list at the left. These articles are text only (coming soon). Click here to view the entire issue as a “PDF” file. The PDF file is low quality and not intended to be printed. Copies of each Scrapbook issue are available at the Museum for viewing or purchase. Copyright © 2022 Edgewater Historical Society.

Here are some of the major articles:

- Edgewater’s Other Hotel: The Hotel Sovereign

- Teaser #55 What unusual service was offered from the Edgewater Beach Hotel:  A seaplane taxi service

- Twenty Years of the Edgewater Historical Society Museum

- Reversing Urban Decline (Operation Kenmore-Winthrop), talk by Jack Markowski

- City in a Garden: The EGA and EHS Heritage Tree Audit