v31-2 2020 Summer

VOL 31, #2: 2020 Summer

Please select an article from the list at the left. These articles are text only (coming soon). Click here to view the entire issue as a “PDF” file. The PDF file is low quality and not intended to be printed. Copies of each Scrapbook issue are available at the Museum for viewing or purchase. Copyright © 2020 Edgewater Historical Society.

Here are the major articles in this issue:

Lake Michigan Flirts with High Water Levels Not Seen Since 1986 by John Holden

The Ravenswood Trolley by LeRoy Blommaert ( Lincoln Damen line )

Teaser #46 What Edgewater Alderman Lived on Kenmore When First Elected, and Where Did He or She Live?  Allen Freeman, 5441 N. Kenmore

How Foster Avenue Got Its Name by Marsha Holland  ( Dr, John Herbert Foster )

How I Met  (and Rode) the North Shore Line by LeRoy Blommaert

Shoe Cobbler for 35 Years on Balmoral ( David Rudovsky, 1479 W. Balmoral )