
Living Treasures of Edgewater (Past)

The current Museum exhibit is Living Treasures of Edgewater: Celebrating Diversity and Building Community. The Edgewater Living Treasures exhibit honors those people who have made a difference – some in a profound, fundamental way, and others in a small but significant action that has affected the well being of the Edgewater community. Their deeds were not driven by personal gain, but to help the people of the community in some way – whether generating beauty, fostering harmony, helping the less fortunate or encouraging grass roots activity. These Living Treasures have helped create public spaces and organizations and they have imparted values which both celebrate diversity and build community. Click here for more information.

Senn Anniversary Exhibit (Past)

The Edgewater Historical Society is joining in the 100 year anniversary of Senn High School by showcasing some of Senn’s most famous graduates in a new exhibit at the Museum. In addition to brief biographies, the exhibit includes memorabilia such as cartoons from yearbooks, graduation programs, a sample report card, Senn publications and the display of some of the Senn yearbooks in the EHS collection.

The exhibit will be available during normal Museum hours – Saturday and Sunday from 1‑4 p.m. – through December 29, 2013.

Hidden History of Uptown and Edgewater (Past)

On Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 11 a.m. at the Edgewater Branch Library, the Edgewater Historical Society will host the book launch and author signing for Hidden History of Uptown & Edgewater (History Press) by Patrick Butler.

The program is free and light refreshments will be available. A limited number of copies of Hidden History of Uptown & Edgewater will be available for purchase after the program. Click here for more information.

25th Anniversary Gala (Past)

Please note: Reservations must be received no later than Thursday, October 31. Tickets will not be sold at the door.

The EHS 25th Anniversary Gala will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 from 6‑10 p.m. at the Breakers at Edgewater Beach, 5333 N. Sheridan (on the site of the original Edgewater Beach Hotel). There will be dining, music, dancing and community awards. Tickets are $75 and period dress is welcome. Click here for more information and to order tickets.

2013 Austin Wyman Lecture (Past)

A Brand Plucked From the Fire: The Life of Rabbi Herman E. SchaalmanThe 2013 Fall General meeting and Austin Wyman Lecture will be on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 2 p.m. at Emanuel Congregation, 5959 N. Sheridan Rd.

This year’s lecture, in collaboration with the Chicago Jewish Historical Society, will be an afternoon conversation with Edgewater’s Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman and his biographer, Richard Damashek. The program is free and kosher refreshments will be served.

A limited number of copies of A Brand Plucked From the Fire: The Life of Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman will be available for purchase after the presentation. Click here for more information.

2013 Edgewater Home Tour (Past)

The 25th Annual Edgewater Home Tour is Sunday, September 15, 2013.

This year, the tour will feature homes and their interiors in the Edgewater Glen neighborhood. The $25/person admission includes the tour booklet and refreshments. Click here for more information.

"Celebrating our History" Exhibit (Past)

Museum 10th Anniversary
(click to enlarge)
The Edgewater Historical Society is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its Museum with a special exhibition entitled Celebrating Our History: 10 Years of the Museum, which runs through Sunday, April 28, 2013.

This exhibition will reprise the most popular of the 27 exhibits produced during the past 10 years. Those featured include “Endangered Edgewater” from 2003, “Edgewater Then and Now” from 2004, “Postcards from Edgewater” from 2006, “Andersonville Historic District” from 2010, “Edgewater Grocery Stores” from 2011 and “Crime and Community” from 2012. [more...]

"Greetings from Edgewater" Exhibit (Past)

The Edgewater Historical Society is proud to announce their new exhibit: Greetings from Edgewater: Vacation and Leisure Spots of the Past and Present, which runs through September 30, 2012. Featured in the exhibit are early photos of the Edgewater shoreline, including the Edgewater Beach Hotel and Saddle and Cycle Club; postcards that Edgewater vacationers would have shared with friends and family; and memorabilia from neighborhood motels that used to attract thousands of tourists each summer.

Edgewater was once Chicago’s lakeside oasis, with yacht races, clam bakes, bicycle tours, equestrian riding, cotillions and social balls, trap shooting, card playing, golf, tennis and every aquatic sport under the sun. Edgewater of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a popular vacation and leisure destination where one could get away from city life. It was a tranquil spot to take in the fresh lakeside air and enjoy recreational activities that would ease the mind, relax the body and replenish the soul. [more...]

"Crime and Community in Edgewater" Exhibit (Past)

If you read the newspapers, you will always find a story about a crime and an investigation. Some of these events are part of your neighborhood history and yet they fade from memory. The Edgewater Historical Society has done the research and presents the exhibit Crime and Community in Edgewater, which runs through July 8, 2012.

The exhibit includes photos, newspapers and the story of the investigation, the work done by law enforcement and the efforts of the community to make their neighborhood safe. These include Community Area Policing (CAPS), which has helped change many neighborhoods in Chicago when people communicate with each other and the police. Click here for more information.

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