
Chicago History Book Group (Past)

Chicago JournalismThe next meeting of the Chicago History Book Club will be Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Edgewater Branch of the Chicago Public Library.

The books to be discussed are: “Chicago Journalism: A History” by Wayne Klatt, “The Colonel: Life and Legend of Robert R. McCormick” by Richard Norton Smith, and “Deadline and Monkeyshines: Fabled World of Chicago Journalism” by John McPhaul. Click here for a flyer.

Tuesday Bike Rides and Local Edgewater History (Past)

Go EdgewaterWant to ride your bike and get some exercise and local history at the same time?

EHS is again supporting the GO EDGEWATER summer program in the evening bike rides every Tuesday, usually at 6:15 under the Thorndale “L”. The topics for the remaining tours are listed below. Check below for exact location and time.

On Tuesday, August 9th we will ride around the boundaries of Edgewater. Meet at 6:15 p.m. under the Thorndale “L” station. [more...]

EHS General Meeting (Past)

Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.
Edgewater Branch Library, 6000 N. Broadway

Our June program will honor the 2016 Living Treasures of Edgewater. Each of the three individuals being honored this year has done something special to make Edgewater the wonderful community we enjoy today. The presentation will give you a grass roots insight into why Edgewater is unique in Chicago. We encourage you to attend, recognize our Living Treasures and celebrate their accomplishments.

For a list of the 2016 Living Treasures, with photos, please click here.

2016 Summer Nights in Edgewater (Past)

Join your neighbors again this year, on warm summer nights, for our popular community program of free live performances. From July 7 to August 25, 2016, every Thursday evening from 6 to 8 p.m., different local musicians will entertain you in the beautiful EHS garden. Refreshments will be served. We are pet friendly! All are welcome. Click here for the 2016 schedule.

Exhibit: Edgewater Beach Hotel (Past)

The one hundred year anniversary of the opening of the Edgewater Beach Hotel is being celebrated with an exhibit at the Edgewater Historical Society and Museum. The exhibit will be open on weekends from 1 to 4 p.m. Come prepared to learn about this fabulous hotel that put Edgewater on the map by surfing our website.

Note: (to be rescheduled) There will be one last tour of the Edgewater Beach Hotel exhibit on Wednesday, January 26 at 7 p.m. led by curator Kathy Gemperle. Attendance is limited. Vaccination card and face masks are required.

Chicago History Book Group (Past)

The OutfitThe next meeting of the Chicago History Book Club will be Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Edgewater Branch of the Chicago Public Library.

The books to be discussed are: “Captive City” by Ovid Demaris, “Family Secrets” by Jeff Coen, “Mob Cop” by Fred Pascente, and “The Outfit” by Gus Russo. Click here for a flyer.

Voices of Edgewater (Past)

The Voices of Edgewater exhibit runs through May 28, 2016.

“Voices of Edgewater” is a major exhibit on immigration in Edgewater. It includes the stories, oral histories, artifacts, photos, textiles, maps and census statistics of the many waves of immigrants who settled in Edgewater. Even before its founding in 1889, Edgewater had been home to immigrants. The first permanent settlers came from Luxembourg and Germany in the 1840s establishing celery farms. [more...]

EHS Spring Benefit Dinner (Past)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
from 6-9 p.m.
Pork Shoppe
5721 N. Clark Street, Chicago
Donation: $60 ($55 each for two or more)

Our annual Spring Benefit celebrates The Voices of Edgewater, the people who through the years have helped create the dynamic community we enjoy today. Join with us, your friends and neighbors, for great food, a silent auction, announcement of our 2016 Living Treasures and the EHS Volunteer of the Year, and celebrate the unique qualities of our community.

Click here to order tickets by mail with a check.
Click here to order tickets online with a credit card.

Chicago History Book Group (Past)

The Haymarket TragedyThe next meeting of the Chicago History Book Club will be Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Edgewater Branch of the Chicago Public Library.

The books to be discussed are: “Death in the Haymarket” by James Green (Anchor (reprint), 2007), “The Haymarket Tragedy” by Paul Avrich (Princeton University Press, 1986), and “The History of the Haymarket Affair” by Henry David (Collier Books, 1963). Click here for a flyer.

2016 Annual Meeting (Past)

Jean MishimaThe Edgewater Historical Society invites you to the 2016 Annual Meeting, presenting candidates for your Board of Directors and telling you about plans for 2016-17. The meeting will be on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 10 a.m. at the Edgewater Branch Library, 6000 N. Broadway. Click here for a flyer.

The program will be “The Japanese-American Experience in the Internment Camps” and our speaker will be Jean Mishima, President, Chicago Japanese American Historical Society. Ms. Mishima will tell the poignant story of growing up in those camps and the lessons learned. [more...]

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