v34-1 2023 Spring
VOL 34, #1: 2023 Spring
Please select an article from the list at the left. These articles are text only (coming soon). Click here to view the entire issue as a “PDF” file. The PDF file is low quality and not intended to be printed. Copies of each Scrapbook issue are available at the Museum for viewing or purchase. Copyright © 2023 Edgewater Historical Society.
Here are the major articles in this issue.
- Thirty-Five Years of Collecting Edgewater History, by Kathy Gemperle
- Requel Welch (born in Edgewater)
- Teaser #56 What Edgewater building has addresses on four streets (the building bordered on Hollywood, Clark, Olive and Ashland)
- John Kraeger
- When I Rode and Elephant Down State Street, by Don Haider
- Meet Your Docent: Carleen Lorys
- Protected, Pampered Parking Spaces, by Ron Cohn
- Photo Contest Winners First Place: Steve Majsak Second Place: Paige Ozaroski Third Place: Betsy Kane Honorable Mention: Jamie Clutcher Honorable Mention: Greg Schultz