
When the Snowbirds Kiss the Butterflies Goodbye

Vol. XVI No. 2 - SUMMER 2005

By: Allie McDonough

The following poem was written by 101 year old Edgewater resident Allie McDonough:

Another Century

Vol. XIV No. 4 - FALL/WINTER 2003-4

By: Kathy Gemperle

Dorothy's House

Vol. XIV No. 4 - FALL/WINTER 2003-4

By: Kathryn Duskey Gemperle


Vol. IV No. 1 - SUMMER/FALL 1991

By: Kathryn Duskey Gemperle

Trees Forest Urban

Vol. III No. 3 - SPRING 1991

By: Kathryn Duskey Gemperle

In Memoriam - Ardell E. Nickels

Vol. II No. 2 - WINTER 1989

By: Sandra A. Remis

The day Ardell E. Nickels died, Edgewater lost a beloved friend, neighbor and community activist. Ardell, a founder and board member of the Edgewater Historical Society, passed away quietly at Swedish Covenant Hospital on October 18, 1989, after suffering a fatal stroke. I won’t bother to note her age; Ardell never did. She was too busy living every moment of every day to even think of counting years. [more...]

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