Edgewater Condo Update - 2006

Vol. XX No. 3 - FALL 2009

In 2006, 34 condo declarations were filed representing 456 units; this compares to 28 declarations and 225 units in 2005. The number of declarations filed (but not the number of units) represented the highest number ever for Edgewater. The previous high year was 1979 when 33 declarations were filed.

Of the 34 declarations, 5 represented new construction; the remaining 29 represented conversions. The lowest number of units in any building was 3 (6 buildings) and the highest was 48. The median was 8.5 and the average was 13.4. Six condo conversions were on corners and three court yard buildings were converted.

Two declarations were for buildings on Sheridan Road—both the result of new construction (5430 with 48 units and the Atlelier at 5556 with 39). The last building constructed as a condo on Sheridan Road prior to this was the Malibu East in 1971, unless one were to include the townhouse development at Sheridan and Berwyn in 1988. These two additions bring the total number of Sheridan Road condo buildings to 35 and the total number of units within these buildings to 6,859. The latter represents 65% of the condo units in Edgewater.

Of the 34 declarations, the West Andersonville Neighborhood led the way with 7 declarations. Only the North Edgewater Beach and Lakewood-Balmoral neighborhood areas did not have any declarations.

Inclusion of the declarations for 2006 brings the total Edgewater condo declarations (buildings) to 393 and the corresponding number of units to 10,528. The Edgewater Condo Update for 2005 incorrectly gave the total number of declarations through 2005 as 389; the number should have been 359.

Further updates will be given as data becomes available.