From the President
By: Betty Mayian
Greetings, subscribers and members and those who will be. Last month, I talked about the beauty of our garden. Then I sent in to the Illinois Association of Museums to apply for an award for this EHS project and for its main workers, Sandra Remis and Elisabeth Szegho. It is a beautiful place that came about because of hard work and an admirable grant from the City of Chicago’s Greencorps. Go back to the Fall 2005 issue to read about it in the article by Sandee titled Flower Power.
If you have not been inside the museum in a while, please do attend to see the beautiful exhibit of “Postcards from Edgewater.” Then, drop around back and see our new kitchen that is ready for parties and events. Then, open the kitchen door and walk out into the peaceful garden setting. This will be the location for our first party to honor our volunteers in August. This will become a regular event, we hope. Sandra Remis has given her time to host the event. Watch for your invitation.
This year was an experiment in how we brought in more and more speakers on a monthly basis, instead of only at General Meetings several times a year. I like the idea and also like seeing an audience visit the museum in larger numbers. The way people gather in this space and come to know it and the exhibits, makes our museum blossom – somewhat like the garden.
On July 25th, will have Ray Hanania, humorist, author of “Arabs of Chicagoland” and award-winning journalist. What he had to say was important for all of us to hear.
Now comes the important event our the Fall Home Tour on Sunday, September 17, 2006. We are happy to be returning to the area known as Edgewater Glen. This area runs from Granville to Norwood and from Broadway to Clark. It is a beautiful area to walk in. As before, it will be from noon to 4 p.m. and start at the charming Granville Avenue United Methodist Church.
Later in September, on Tuesday the 26th, Professor Ann Durkin Keating will discuss her “Encyclopedia of Chicago.” Bring your Chicago questions for Professor Keating to the Museum on Tuesday, September 26th, at 7 p.m.
Be aware that we have a very special October program planned for you. On Saturday, October 21st at 10 a.m., Bob Remer is presenting a discussion and display of his map collection. He will show his maps that not only tell us how to get around, but also tell us a lot about how we live, how we are organized, our dreams, how we think about ourselves and our history. He has invited Robert Holland, author of “Chicago In Maps” and also George and Mary Ritzlin to discuss what we can learn from maps. Some gems and topical areas include: a French map from 1781; a surveyor’s map from 1845 showing the missing South Branch of the Chicago River; maps on lakefront plans and many more. You will be enlightened plus it is a terrific example of collecting and education in Edgewater. Some of these gems will remain on exhibit for a while in the EHS Museum. We hope this will spur more collectors and historians to want to show their collections and have the neighborhood see them.
A week after that, on October 28th at 2 p.m., we will have the return of the “Those were the days Radio Players” in a comedy and a Lone Ranger program that has real meaning to Edgewater. The famous lawman was played by one of our former residents – Clayton Moore, who lived in Edgewater and went to school here, graduating from Senn High School before going to New York to work as a model – and then The Lone Ranger! We will show some pictures and perform some stories that will bring you back to those days of yesteryear. The Lone Ranger Rides Again!
November is open so we can create the 2007 Calendar, but on Saturday, December 2nd at 2 p.m., another hour of Old Time Radio comedy will help to make your winter season more palatable.
Trust me, there is something for everyone and we have it for you every month. Join us and get the latest information and help us choose the type of speakers you would like to see here. This is your own local museum and we want this to reflect the community it represents. The best way to join, if you haven’t already, is by using the membership form on page 11 in this newsletter. We are still the “Best Bargain in Edgewater.”