Edgewater Teasers

Vol. XVI No. 3 - FALL 2005

In the previous issue we offered the following teaser:

(2) Five Edgewater residents ran for Mayor of the City of Chicago, two successfully. Who were they, when did they run, and where did they live when they made their run?

Answer: The first Edgewater resident to run for mayor was Nathaniel C. Sears. The year was 1897. He was the Republican nominee, and like all Republican Edgewater nominees he lost. His major opponent was Democrat Carter Harrison II (the son of the first father and son dynasty). Nathanial Sears lived at what is now 5701 N. Magnolia in Cairnduff’s addition to Edgewater (today’s BARGE neighborhood). The modest house still stands, though much altered.

The second Edgewater resident to run was a Democrat and he was successful. His name was William E. Dever. He first ran in 1923 and served one term. He was defeated by Republican Big Bill Thompson when he ran for re-election in 1927. Dever was considered a reformer. One of the reasons commentators give for his defeat was that he vigorously enforced national prohibition, which was not very popular among Chicago’s many ethnic groups. He lived in a three-flat at 5901 N Kenmore, which he owned. He died at home and was buried from St. Ita’s Church. The three-flat still stands and has been converted to condominium living.

The third Edgewater resident to run was also a Democrat and he too was successful. Martin H. Kennelly first ran in 1947 and was re-elected in 1951. He defeated in succession Republicans Russell W. Root and Robert L. Hunter. He sought his party’s endorsement for a third term, but was denied by the Cook County Democratic Central Committee, which endorsed its chairman Richard J. Daley. Martin ran in the primary against Richard J. Daley but was defeated. While mayor, Martin Kennelly lived in the Edgewater Beach Apartments, 5555 N Sheridan Road.

The fourth Edgewater resident to run was Republican 48th ward Alderman Dennis Block. It was a special election called in 1977 to fill the unexpired term of Richard J. Daley, who died in office. Dennis Block was defeated by Democrat Michael A. Balandic. He lived at the Malibu Condominium, 6007 N. Sheridan Road.

The fifth and last to run was also a Republican and he too was unsuccessful. His name is Donald Haider. He was defeated in 1987 by Harold Washington running for re-election. Defeated also were Edward Vrodoyak (Solidarity Party) and Tom Hynes (One Chicago Party). Donald Haider lived at 5347 in the Lakewood Balmoral neighborhood (Cochran’s 3rd addition to Edgewater), where he lives still.

Edgewater Teaser #3:

What Edgewater house was home to two different aldermen? And who were they?