The Edgewater Millennium Project

Vol. X No. 2 - SPRING/SUMMER 1999

Celebrate the end of the Twentieth Century by participating with the Edgewater Historical Society in a community-wide project. We would like to memorialize the neighbors of Edgewater by collecting a photograph of each family or individual in front of their residence, whether apartment, condo, two-or more-flat or single-family house. We will keep a registry of those who are here at the close of the century.

Here is a list of what we would like to receive along with the photograph:

  • Name of person, family, family members in photo
  • Address of home
  • Date of the photograph
  • Any information about previous residents and owners
  • How and when your family came to Edgewater
  • Names of any relatives who may have lived here earlier in the century
  • Any recollections you may choose to offer

The Edgewater Historical Society is happy to receive the loan or donation of photos to add to our growing collection of Edgewater pictorial history. These photos tell a lot about our community. Since many of us live in older buildings, it is interesting to imagine what these buildings looked like when they were new. These pictures help us do that. Also, the clothing of those in the photos tells us something about the time. With this in mind, we have launched the Edgewater Millennium Project. We are making a description of the project available in the Edgewater Notes, which we hope will reach about 10,000 households. We’ve already received positive responses from several Edgewater residents. Some are talking about having a camera available during this summer’s block parties, so that families can just line up in front of their homes. This project is not only for house owners; it is for everyone. Of course, it does require that you find someone to take the photo. We can wholeheartedly recommend the disposable cameras which have been used by our members to record other historical events in Edgewater. If you have a camera, perhaps you can take pictures of others in your building or on your block.

While we are looking for present day photos, we would be pleased to receive a photo from a previous decade. Don’t leave us guessing which decade, however. If you have lived several places in Edgewater, please send us one from each place if you can - it’s up to YOU; it’s your gift to the Edgewater Millennium Project. What we hope to do with the photos is create an exhibit to celebrate the Millennium year in our new museum.

Be a part of this community project by sending your photo and information to: Martha Kraeger, Edgewater Historical Society, 5340 N. Wayne, Chicago, IL 60640. Any questions? Call the EHS voice mail at (773)506-4849 and leave a message. We’ll return your call. Below is a form you can use when you send in your photo.