As you approach this greystone two-flat, take note of the two adjoining buildings of the same rusticated stone. They were built at the same time and exhibit the concept of variations on a theme. Some of these differences are noteworthy, such as the cornices which take a slightly different form on each of the two north buildings. Note the dentil bands which form a horizontal line across the cornice. On the building you will tour, the design elements include carved molding bands and engaged columns on either side of a central pediment. Also of note are the first floor arched bay windows which give the building a Romanesque feeling.
The building was constructed in 1908 by Ockerlund and the cost of construction was $4800. The original address was 3173. This was changed in 1909 after the uniform Chicago street address numbering system was instituted.
Inside the vestibule you will see the original tile floor. A beveled glass transom window in the entry has been removed. You will be touring the second floor unit. The staircase leads to a landing that is lighted by a skylight. The woodwork is of a simple design in oak.
As you enter the apartment, you will see an open plan which is an alteration from the original. The high ceilings are accented by moldings around the top of the wall. The front window in the bay is noteworthy in its size. All the windows and doors are surrounded by oak woodwork in a unique pediment design. The doors also exhibit the beautiful original hardware. The floors are oak.
The floor plan has been altered slightly with the remodeling of the kitchen. As you enter the back hallway, you will see a new leaded-glass beveled panel in the door. This area of the home has maple flooring. The bath has been remodeled but retains the original oak medicine cabinet. The bedrooms have been decorated in a style of the age of the home. One has the natural maple flooring.
The kitchen has taken on new space with the expansion onto the original back porch. It was this project that brought a surprise discovery for the owner - a pouch bag of old coins. Now the porch serves as an eating and sitting area. From the window you can look down on a beautiful garden at the end of the season.