This Prairie Box or American Four Square was built in 1908 by the H.P. Meyer Co. for M. C. Meyer. Its simple bay and porch projections, large eave overhang and hip roof reflect a transition to a simpler style from the complex, expressive Victorians. The living room is unusually spacious and has a simple Craftsman oak staircase at the end. In the dining room, the English beam ceiling and Oriental rug help to re-create the era.

The current owners have lived here since 1980. This house was the victim of “remuddling” in the 1960s and the current owners have worked extensively to undue past mistakes. The stained glass windows were commissioned by them to replace the lost originals. The piece on the stairway is a replica of Tiffany’s “Magnolia Windows.” The kitchen is unique with its original oak/glass cabinets and soft green ceramic tiles popular in the early 1900s. Notice also the terrazzo floor in the pantry and the paneled ceiling.

On the second floor, there is a cheerful sunroom at the top of the stairs. The master bedroom contains a Victorian chest of drawers and an original Indian-head oak bookcase. In the bookcase are three miniature dollhouse rooms created by Eugene Kupjack. Mr. Kupjack worked for Mrs. Thorn, creator of the Thorn rooms at the Art Institute.