This is an American Foursquare or Prairie Box style house that was built in 1908 for A.W. Dickinson. Dickenson was also the contractor on the Gauler houses by Walter Burley Griffin on Magnolia. This home is in the John Lewis Cochran’s Rosedale Addition to Edgewater. The house features double second floor bay projections, extended eaves and a multi-dormered hipped roof. The front porch was sympathetically enclosed in the 1940s.

The front entry doors are of simple oak with ornate egg and dart molding. The simple oak trim and stained glass windows set off the entry and the double sided craftsman staircase. A straight vista from the front door goes through the kitchen and out a window to the old apple tree in the backyard.

The living-room/dining-room opening is embellished with two free-standing fluted Ionic columns on oak bases. The highly decorative upper console brackets and classical appliqué offer a unique departure from the simple style of the house. In the dining room hutch the miniature Ionic columns reflect the full scale ones adjacent. Note the fancy berry vine design in the leaded stained glass window of the hutch.

The current owners have lived here since 1965 and they recently finished the second renovation of the kitchen. Most of this work from the remodeling was done by them. Still under restoration are the oak beamed dining room ceiling and the long built-in hutch.