Pre-1898 Permit information, Kenmore only
Listing pre-1898 permits on Kenmore presents a special challenge. For one, before 1891 Kenmore was named Goodwin. But the major challenge is that before 1896 Kenmore had an address numbering system different than the one that was converted to the current one in September 1909. This numbering system was the same one that was used for Winthrop prior to the 1909 conversion. That made sense because J. L. Cochran created the numbering system for both streets. Unfortunately, no conversion table has been found for this first numbering system.
Converting the first numbering system system to the current one thus is a real challenge. One approach is to look up the first owner in a post 1895 city directory or blue book, obtain the second number and then use the 1909 conversion table to obtain the current number. Where this was done successfully, a code of “a” is shown in the code column.
In a few cases, this was not successful because the first owners sold before 1896, and in the case of J.L. Cochran, it was not possible because he built for resale, and in too many cases no specific number was given, only a vague location such as “at Glenlake.”
Another approach was to use the current number based on the same original number shown for Winthrop, but in only a few cases was there an exact match. The code “b” is shown for this approach.
A third approach was to examine all the permit index cards for a particular block and then match on either or both the first address number and the permit date to obtain the current address number. Where this approach was followed, the code "c" was shown.
A fourth approach was to seek to identify both the earlier and later addresses by a process of elimination. The 1905 Sanborn Fire Insurance map presumably includes all the pre-1898 houses. By creating a list of the second numbers for particular block that contain unidentifed houses, one could theoretically identify the unidentifed houses by identifying all the other houses. So far this has not proved successful. There are just too many houses that remain unidenified.
The list was compiled by LeRoy Blommaert who reviewed the permit section of the Economist magazine from September 1889 to December 1897. The Economist printed permit information within 10 days from when it received it from the building department. In these early years for Edgewater, it appears that not all the houses built had received a building permit.
Based on the Winthrop conversion table, it is possible to identify the block on which a house is located, if not the exact address. Also, it is possible to identify which side of the street the house is located. For both the first and second address numbers, if the number is odd, then the current number is even, meaning the house is located on the west side of the street. And the reverse is true.
Click here for a listing of the current blocks, e.g. 5300, for Winthrop original numbers.
Two listings of pre-1898 Kenmore permits are given:
[Note these tables have not yet been posted as more work needs to be done, 4-6-2020]