Chicago’s Early 20th Century Forestry Movement (Past)
Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Edgewater Branch, Chicago Public Library
Betty A. Barclay Community Room
6000 N. Broadway, Chicago 60660
At the turn of the 20th Century, Chicago had grown to become the largest city by territory in the country. Although a few previous suburbs – such as Edgewater – had lovely tree-lined streets, most of the city’s thoroughfares were devoid of trees or other plantings. Women’s clubs and neighborhood improvement associations soon convinced local officials to adopt a tree ordinance and create a new position of City Forester.
Jacob H. Prost became Chicago’s first forester. Working closely with local clubs and organizations, he distributed information on proper tree care and developed a “penny tree campaign” which resulted in the planting of hundreds of thousands of trees by local school children. Julia Bachrach, author of The City in a Garden: A History of Chicago’s Parks, will give a presentation on this fascinating topic in honor of Arbor Day. Click here for a flyer.
This is an in-person event. Masks are strongly encouraged in all CPL locations.