ENN Beginnings

Edgewater Neighbors North started as an informal group of neighbors led by the late Annette Schroeder.  It had no by-laws, no board of directors, no meeting schedule–and no elections.  Meetings were called by Annette Schroeder when she determined that there were issues that needed attention.  During this period she was the force that convinced Alderman O’Connor to down zone the ENN area from R-4 to R-3.

When in 2001, Annette became ill, a number of neighbors came to the conclusion that they needed a more formal organization, and so they formed one.  Martha Kubin became its first elected president.  It is not known who coined the name Edgewater Neighbors North, although the word "north" was a logical one to incorporate in the name.

–prepared by LeRoy Blommaert, February 2014