Edgewater Census Tract 305

Edgewater Community (Chicago) Census Tract 305*

1930 1934 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Total population 8,827 NA 9,555 9,011 8,314 8,117 7,546 8,372 7,611 6,395

Population in households 8,827 8,832 9,555 9,004 8,282 8,059 7,366 8,354 7,611 6,395

Group quarters population** 0 NA 0 7 32 58 180 18 0 0

Share of total 0.0% NA 0.0% 0.1% 0.4% 0.7% 2.4% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0%

Foreign born population*** 1,960 NA 1,835 1,426 1,440 1,917 2,809 3,114 2,506 1,579

Share of total 22.2% NA 19.2% 15.8% 17.3% 23.6% 37.2% 37.2% 32.9% 24.7%

Average persons per household 3.51 3.36 3.24 2.87 2.70 2.66 2.53 2.85 2.53 2.15

Population 15 years & older 7,388 7,456 8,092 7,460 6,535 6,318 6,064 6,494 6,167 5,582

Married/separated 4,188 4,283 NA 4,884 4,166 3,649 2,774 2,892 2,598 2,024

Single 2,485 2,374 NA 1,603 1,447 1,636 2,257 2,710 2,953 2,928

Widowed/divorced 715 799 NA 973 922 1,033 1,033 892 616 630

Age distribution

Under 10 years 932 892 878 1,176 1,354 1,227 1,025 1,384 957 623

10 to 19 years 1,247 1,165 1,271 767 896 1,154 1,092 1,029 876 412

20 to 24 years 810 746 740 626 502 647 808 826 763 434

25 to 34 years 1,641 1,704 1,625 1,266 1,118 1,219 1,519 1,997 1,826 1,783

35 to 44 years 1,538 1,607 1,689 1,473 1,044 964 878 1,291 1,362 1,250

45 to 54 years 1,241 1,300 1,495 1,485 1,143 894 736 700 839 910

55 to 64 years 827 815 1,048 1,210 1,178 902 654 544 440 552

65 to 74 years 447 460 576 711 706 701 464 352 319 253

75 years & older 144 143 233 297 373 409 370 249 229 178

Total housing units 2,554 2,838 3,092 3,166 3,175 3,147 3,174 3,169 3,177 3,245

Occupied (households) 2,518 2,627 2,952 3,133 3,070 3,030 2,907 2,928 3,006 2,970

Owner 474 763 458 617 627 591 660 671 866 1,177

Renter 2,044 1,864 2,494 2,516 2,443 2,439 2,247 2,257 2,140 1,793

Vacant 36 211 140 33 105 117 267 241 171 275

Share of total units 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Owner occupied 18.6% 26.9% 14.8% 19.5% 19.7% 18.8% 20.8% 21.2% 27.3% 36.3%

Renter occupied 80.0% 65.7% 80.7% 79.5% 76.9% 77.5% 70.8% 71.2% 67.4% 55.3%

Vacant 1.4% 7.4% 4.5% 1.0% 3.3% 3.7% 8.4% 7.6% 5.4% 8.5%

Note: NA means data not available.

* For the 1930-1960 censuses this area was identified as census tract 36.

** Group quarters population is persons living in housing units without individual kitchens. In Edgewater overall, more than 90% of the 1930 population in the non-household or group quarters category lived in apartment hotels and boarding houses, while in in 2010, almost 93% lived in college dormatories and various types of nursing facilties. The 1934 special census and the 1940 regular census for the most part did not survey the residents of group quarters housing.

*** Was a 100% sample question for the 1930 to 1960 censuses and a 17%-20% sample question thereafter.

Revision date: 30 July 2013