Whiskey Breakfast: My Swedish Family, My American Life (Past)
Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Edgewater Branch, Chicago Public Library
6000 N. Broadway, Chicago 60660
Chicago author and historian Richard Lindberg will discuss the historic ethnic Swedish settlement of Andersonville framed around his award-winning memoir “Whiskey Breakfast: My Swedish Family, My American Life” (University of Minnesota Press, 2011). The book is a heart rendering account of growing up a first generation Swede and coming to terms with his alcoholic, Socialist father and the secrets he carefully hid until death.
Mr. Lindberg has written over a score of books on Chicago history, sports and crime, and is a popular host/guide for the Chicago History Museum’s acclaimed crime tours. Copies of this book will be available for sale and signing along with copies of his book Chicago: Yesterday & Today. Click here for a flyer.