Those Were the Days Radio Players (Past)
Relive the Golden Age of radio drama with “Those Were the Days Radio Players” - Chicago North chapter. On Saturday, November 23, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. at the Museum, the Radio Players will perform two programs:
Our Miss Brooks: Thanksgiving Plans was originally broadcast on Nov 19, 1950. The radio series ran from July 19, 1948 to July 7, 1957, and starred Eve Arden as Connie Brooks, Jeff Chandler as Philip Boynton and Gale Gordon as Osgood Conklin.
Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel: Episode 26 was originally broadcast on May 22, 1933. The radio series was heard on Monday evenings from November 28, 1932 to May 22, 1933, and starred Groucho and Chico Marx.
Also, in honor of its 150th anniversary, the Gettysburg Address will be read live by “Abraham Lincoln” (Tom Murphy).