2017 Austin Wyman Lecture (Past)

JosephSchwietermanThe 2017 Fall General meeting and Austin Wyman Lecture will be on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at the Edgewater Branch Library, 6000 N. Broadway.

Transit oriented development (TOD) has become one of the hottest topics for urban planners and housing developers who are looking to further leverage locations near mass transit to increase the supply of residential units for people without cars. With the CTA’s Red Line running through it, Edgewater is primed to be a key front is this rapidly evolving area. Please join EHS and Joe Schwieterman, DePaul University professor and urban planning expert, for a lively discussion on the pros and cons of TOD, Edgewater’s past development patterns, and what the neighborhood can expect in the years ahead.

The program is free and refreshments will be served. Click here for more information.