Jack Arfa - Our Newest Docent
Jack has resided in Edgewater for many years, including graduating from Senn High School in 1967. He fondly remembers Senn as a diverse school with over one hundred nationalities where he learned to get along with everyone and made lifelong friends.
He believes Edgewater is special because everyone feels at home here.
He found out about the Edgewater Historical Society from his brother, Art, one of our Board members. Jack thinks EHS is special because it provides a background for the community and a sense of history to the area, as well as the fact that EHS is community sponsored.
Jack enjoys giving back to the community as a docent. “For example, a college student wandered into EHS last Saturday with his mother and it was great speaking with them. They learned something and I learned something. What could be better? After all, volunteering helps make the world better whether it’s your immediate community or a larger vista.” Other hobbies Jack enjoys are reading, walking and going to the movies.