Edgewater Living Treasures

Vol. XXIV No. 1 - SPRING 2013

Our December issue announced a unique recognition program to begin in our 25th year. The focus of this effort is to recognize the unsung heroes of our community, the people who have made an outstanding contribution to make Edgewater a better place to live and work. We call them Living Treasures. These Living Treasures do not necessarily do things for personal gain, but to help the community. And their initiatives have affected the daily lives of Edgewater citizens in a positive, creative manner.

A Treasure is a person who has served Edgewater and inspired others to help build community. This person has lived in or participated in Edgewater programs or organizations; has made a substantial and enduring contribution; and has not received citywide public recognition for their efforts dedicated towards Edgewater residents.

The November announcement brought forth over thirty nominees, which the award committee is reviewing. The publication of awardees for 2013 will coincide with the opening of the May 2013 Edgewater Historical Society Museum exhibit entitled Treasures of Edgewater. Those who were nominated but not chosen for this year will be considered for 2014.

Prior to the exhibit opening, the selected individuals will be photographed and interviewed. At the museum, artifacts illustrating their achievements will be shown, as well as excerpts from the oral interviews. In this way, exhibit visitors can gain a better perspective on the personal challenge each of these exceptional people faced to achieve their goals, and how they overcame it.

The public recognition ceremony for award recipients will be announced later in 2013.