Meet Your Docent

Vol. XXIII No. 2 - SUMMER 2012

PAT DUFF has been involved with the Edgewater Historical Society in one volunteer activity or another since 2010. Barbara Strauss, an EHS Board Member, sought Pat’s assistance in organizing the EHS administrative office. From that effort, Pat has branched out to be a museum docent, assist with the Spring Fundraiser, as well as helping out with other activities.

The best part of being a Docent, according to Pat, is getting in-depth information about the wonderful exhibits. Meeting Board members on a more personal basis and enjoying the beautiful plantings in the Garden are other bonuses to her comings and goings around EHS.

Pat’s hobbies include reading, working crossword and jigsaw puzzles, and lunching with her friends. That’s when she’s not involved in her own backyard flower and vegetable garden, or attending family reunions to reconnect with many cousins and their extended families. Pat loves her vacations, but a highlight was the June 2012 trip with her sister to Decorah, Iowa, to see the bald eagles. She had been following the hatching of the eaglets on a 24-hour webcam and wanted to see them for herself before they left the nest. She’s delighted she’s back in time to enjoy our “Summer Evenings in Edgewater.”