
Vol. XXII No. 2 - SUMMER 2011

By: Kathy Gemperle

The Midsommarfest in Andersonville this year offered the EHS the opportunity to sit at a booth with info about the museum and to hand out postcards about our current exhibit, Edgewater Pride, From Oppression to Expression which remains at the museum until October 4, 2011. In addition to our photographic display designed by Morry Matson we presented an unusual object and a guessing game with the offer of free tickets to the Home Tour. Sadly this year no one guessed correctly. As the purchaser of the object, I must explain that I have an interest in kitchen tools and, when I first saw this one, I did not know what it was either.

After manipulating it for a few minutes, I came up with the answer and, if you look at the photo, you will get it too. This odd tool is for cutting dough into donuts with the hole in the middle. Most of our guessers thought it had to do with candle making. We are always on the look out for unusual objects for this guessing game so, if you have one for loan for next year, contact us. Thank you.