In our own backyard...

Vol. XV No. 2 - FALL 2004

There was a gathering of friends of the museum for our first backyard party on Sunday, August 15, 2004. We celebrated in the old fashioned way, with games like croquette and badminton and ate fried chicken from a business down the street. The street was closed so no traffic interrupted the badminton. Some neighbors walking by joined in the fun - shoeless because they were on roller blades.

Marie Morrissette kept everyone busy guessing the Jelly Bean count and, frankly, no one could drop a clothespin in the bottle except Kathy Gemperle, who admitted she’d been practicing. Winner in the Jelly Bean contest was Veronica Gillis. A few children came by and received prizes for their participation in some of the games. A wonderful time for all on a lovely summer day. Thanks to Lori Lynch for organizing the event and to helpers Elisabeth Wilcox–Szegho and Sandee Remis.