A Rose... Is a Rose
Vol. IV No. 3 - FALL/WINTER 1992
By: LeRoy Blommaert
A number of Edgewater streets were known by names other than those by which they are known today. Here are a few of them. (The old name is in parenthesis)
- ARDMORE (Francis St., west of Broadway)
- BROADWAY (Evanston Ave., changed in 1913)
- CATALPA (Claremont, east of Clark)
- DEVON (Church St., west of Clark)
- FOSTER (North 59th St., changed in 1895)
- GLENLAKE (Kemper, west of Clark)
- GRANVILLE (Grand Ave.)
- GREENVIEW (first Rubens, then Perry St.)
- GREGORY (Edgewater Terrace)
- HERMITAGE (north of Bryn Mawr: North Hamilton, Commercial Ave., First St., Meadow Lane)
- HIGHLAND (Hector Ave., Fisher Ave., Edgewater Place)
- HOOD (Logan, between Broadway and Glenwood)
- KENMORE (Goodwin Ave., changed in 1890)
- LAKEWOOD (Fisher, north of Hood)
- MAGNOLIA (Charlton, north of Ridge)
- PAULINA (Second St., in Rosehill area; Forest Ave., north of Ridge; Wright, in W.A.N.T. area)
- PETERSON (Leeker St. and Segur St., west of Clark)
- RASCHER (Feinberg between Clark and Glenwood)
- RAVENSWOOD (Front Street)
- ROSEMONT (Ernst Ave., between Broadway and Clark)
- THOME (Webber, west of Clark)
- THORNDALE (Armin and South Ave., west of Clark)
- VICTORIA (Victor St., between Broadway and Wayne)
- WAYNE (Euclid, north of Granville)