The Story of the Egg-less Easter

Vol. I No. 3 - SPRING 1989

By: Karen Donnelly

Egg hunts have been a longtime tradition of the Easter holiday. Around one Edgewater neighborhood, however, a new tradition has recently supplanted the egg hunt. For the past two years, the Granville Avenue Presbyterian Church has been home-base for what they call a “non-egg Easter hunt.”

The yearly objective of this hunt has been donations of clothing and money. The donations are collected and handed over to local charitable organizations such as Care For Real, the Edgewater Community Council’s food and clothing pantry.

The “hunt” usually covers most of the Edgewater Glen neighborhood and people from all over the area participate in collecting the items. In past years the event has drawn together people of many faiths and of all ages - from toddlers to seniors.

The non-egg hunt is traditionally held the Saturday before Palm Sunday (this year, March 18). In past years, Granville Avenue Presbyterian Church member Florence Hurter has been in charge of the hunt.

Those interested in contributing or participating in the hunt can call Granville Avenue Presbyterian Church at 262-1115.