One Year Later

Vol. I No. 3 - SPRING 1989

By: Sandee Remis

Just can’t understand what the big to-do is about the complexities of time-travel. I’m no physicist, but I swear just yesterday it was January 23, 1988, when family and friends gathered for the birthing of this historical society. Today I blinked my eyes and it’s a year later! Not bad for an amateur time-traveler. Pretty bad for me - means I’m getting older.

Sure looking forward to the first annual meeting of EHS though - Saturday, March 25, 1989, 10:00 a.m. at the Edgewater Branch Library. Real important, hear tell, that members show up to vote. Seven members of the board have one-year terms that are expiring per our bylaws.

The EHS Board appointed a Nominations Committee, chaired by Betty Mayian, at its January meeting. By now you should have received election information about candidates who agreed to run again and instructions for submitting new names for nomination. If you have not received your notification, please call the ECC/EHS office (334-5609) immediately and leave a message for Betty Mayian.

Mail-in votes will not be accepted, since members will not have the advantage of assessing the full slate of candidates until the March 25 meeting. You must attend the meeting to vote. People who joined EHS before March 1, 1989, the end of the charter membership year as declared by the Board of Directors, are eligible to vote.

After business matters are attended to, the real fun begins!

In addition to being a special year for EHS, first birthday and all, 1989 marks the 100th anniversary of Chicago’s annexation of land (including Edgewater) of more than twice its size, thereby making it the second largest city in the nation overnight.

In honor of both occasions, our special program for the March 25 meeting will be the “Chicago Nostalgia” postcard show, presented by John Simmons. This is a 35-minute slide show that features old postcards of the Chicago area. Mr. Simmons will also bring postcards that relate specifically to Edgewater and the lakefront.

John, who is in the business of buying and selling postcards, has graciously offered to give free appraisals of your old postcards after his presentation.

The new Board of Directors will meet directly following the festivities to elect officers.

So mark your calendar now for March 25! Come to vote, view the show, swap a few stories, and enjoy a piece of birthday cake. We urge members who joined EHS in January, February or March 1988 to consider saving postage by renewing their memberships at the meeting.