Bidders Bring Bucks!
By: J. Holmes and D. Gemperle
The Brand New Historical Society Auction (a.k.a. The Ardell Show) was held last month at Unity Lutheran Church and it was a huge success. The auction was energetically orchestrated by Ardell Nickels, with behind-the-scenes help from many of our members. Their hard work and enthusiasm plus the generosity of the bidders netted EHS over $1,300… AND we were treated to an afternoon of Ardell’s wit and irreverence. More than 50 people were bidding and another 25 or so came for an old-fashioned "look-see."
We sold hundreds of items at the auction, including such diverse things as a brass humidor (well used), lithograph prints (signed), metal Structo toys from the ’50s (any boy’s dream), printer’s type drawers (with brass trim), Playboy magazines from the ’60s (now PG-rated), a set of English porcelain egg coddlers (Ardell supplied the appropriate punchlined yolk), a book on birds (by THE James Audubon), a lovely antique oak dresser (with vanity mirror), costume jewelry (sans the costume), kissing dolls (Oh you kid!), a lot of thing-a-ma-jigs (all of which could serve as nut dishes), an absolutely gorgeous silver tea service and ad infinitum. We hope those who bought enjoy their newly found treasures.
The kitchen also catered to the needs of the crowd with such culinary treasures for sale as Marion Lettner’s special French dressing, sloppy joes ala Gemperle, brownies to tempt a girl scout and a host of other delectable delights.
Our special guest auctioneer was Kathy Osterman, 48th Ward Alderman. Kathy proved to be an able relief "pitcher," and we thank her for her gracious assistance. Many thanks also to Ardell, the workers at the auction and the many people who donated goods (see below), all those who attended and especially to Unity Lutheran Church.