From the President

Vol. I No. 2 - WINTER 1988

By: Kathy Gemperle

The Edgewater Historical Society has passed another milestone with its first auction on October 23. Congratulations to all the volunteers for raising a significant sum to support our activities. A special thanks to our witty auctioneer, Ardell Nickels, and to Unity Lutheran Church for providing the space.

The new Oral History Project is under way. This issue contains a brief report on Sister Mary Cramer’s interview with Kirsten Lane of the Swedish Museum about the visit of the King and Queen of Sweden to Andersonville in April 1988. We are hoping to have 10 one-hour interviews completed by May. Previous interviews have made a tremendous contribution to our knowledge and information about Edgewater. One of our far away members, Roger McCabe, who has lived in Texas since the 1940s, contributed an interview while he was in Chicago for a visit. We hope to find many more generous people to get involved in this project.

Many of our activities provide the opportunity for investigation and research; the Central Edgewater Walking Tour in May, organized by the Historic Sites Committee, is just one example. Gregg Mann has done some investigating and found that John L. Cochran was buried along with his whole family and servants in Graceland Cemetery.

Now as we look forward to planning a house tour we will be needing more information on Edgewater architects and families. If you have an interest in researching, please give Thom Greene, the Historic Sites Chairman, a call. If you are interested in working on a house tour, please plan to attend the organizing meeting in January.

The Edgewater Historical Society would like to express its thanks to the Lakewood Balmoral Residents Council for the generous gift of $700 to form the Society and begin the task of researching and sharing our history.

The Board of Directors has declared March 1, 1989 as the end of the Founding Membership Year. Don’t delay in signing up and reach out to your neighbors who would enjoy being members.

Lastly, you are all cordially invited to attend the exhibit of historic photographs, "Dawn to Dusk in Edgewater Parks," at the Broadway Armory Park on December 10 and 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A reception will be held on Saturday, December 10 at 10:00 a.m. and refreshments will be served.

Best wishes to all in the coming holiday season.