For the Family Tree
Vol. I No. 1 - FALL 1988
The following persons were elected to the EHS Board of Directors at the General Meeting held February 27, 1988. Officers were elected by the new Board at a meeting immediately afterwards and lots for term of office (1-3 years) were drawn at the March 26th Board Meeting. Terms are indicated in parentheses after each name.
- President:
Kathryn Gemperle (1)
- 1st Vice President:
Sandra Remis (1)
- 2nd Vice President:
Claire Conley (1)
- 3rd Vice President:
Robert Remer (3)
- Recording Secretary:
Betty Mayian (1)
- Corresponding Secretary:
Antigoni Lambrinides (2)
- Treasurer:
Philip LaPalio, Jr. (3)
- Directors:
- Donald Anderson (3)
- LeRoy Blommaert (1)
- Mary Cramer, BVM (2)
- Lawrence D’Urso (3)
- David Gemperle (3)
- Thom Greene (2)
- JoAnn Varga Holmes (3)
- Fritz Huchting (2)
- Martha Kraeger (1)
- Gregg Mann (2)
- Evangeline Mistaras (3)
- Ardell Nickels (1)
- Lori Reynolds (2)
- Austin "Bud" Wyman (2)
- N.E.IL Representatives:
- LeRoy Blommaert
- Kathryn Gemperle
- ECC Representatives:
- LeRoy Blommaert
- Claire Conley
- Mary Cramer, BVM
- Kathryn Gemperle
- Lori Reynolds